
sexta-feira, julho 22, 2011

quarta-feira, julho 20, 2011

Suevos, Suevi, Suebi, Swebaz, Swaefs

The Suebi or Suevi (from Proto-Germanic *swēbaz based on the Proto-Germanic root *swē- meaning “one’s own” people, from an Indo-European root *swe-, the third person reflexive pronoun) were a group of Germanic peoples who were first mentioned by Julius Caesar in connection with Ariovistus’ campaign, c. 58 BC; Ariovistus was defeated by Caesar.

Representação da andaina, durante um duro inverno continental, do povo suevo no seu percurso desde centro-Europa até a Gallaecia onde ficarom.

Some Suebi remained a periodic threat against the Romans on the Rhine, until, toward the end of the empire, the Alamanni, including elements of Suebi, brushed aside Roman defenses and occupied Alsace, and from there Bavaria and Switzerland. Except for a pocket in Swabia (an area in southwest Germany whose modern name derives from the ancient name), and migrants to Gallaecia (modern Galicia, in Spain, and Northern Portugal), no more was heard of the Suebi.

Mapa da Europa alto-medieval. O Galliciense Regnum ocupava a Gallaecia e depois chegou a controlar grande parte da península sobre os visigodos, cuja capital estava na actual França.